Reasons To Begin Doing The Things You Love (More Often)

5 min readOct 29, 2023

How to spark the Flow of feeling alive and purposeful back into your life

My journey with doing one of the things that I love began around forty-something years ago. When as a small child I realised that I enjoyed escaping into the pages of a good book.

Not only did I revel in the joy of reading, but I very much felt a kinship with the beauty of the formation of words. In hindsight, at some point in time, I needed a place to escape into. I mean who doesn’t?

Discovering the Joy of Writing

Again the joy of reading led to the joy of writing. I am pretty sure the two things are connected. For (in my humble opinion) a true lover of words reads to amass new words and phrases from books.

They can then disseminate amidst the tapestry of words used when they both speak and write.

And what a joy it is to do so. You can read a word in one moment and use it the next.

My love of putting pen to paper (yes I do still own ink pens and write on paper) also derives from the fact that my favorite teacher at school validated my existence by telling me that I had a gift for penning a story.

In my first year of secondary school, I won a writing competition. I remember this triumph very well. It made me feel special and like I said earlier somehow validated as a human who had discovered at age 12, that she had some sense of purpose.

The essay I wrote of course, back then was written by hand using what would have been one of my beloved Parker Pens. The winning essay storyline was a comedy, which included all of my teachers. I cannot remember what I wrote, but I guess it made my teacher laugh.

What I do recall is trying to ensure that I got the punctuation right. What I mean is I had to make sure that I had the speech marks and commas and other grammatical things in their rightful place.

I guess secretly I wanted to make Mrs Phelps proud.

And so it began, or should I say continued. Because I had already had a love of words. But now it seemed like I had more reason to do more of what I already LOVED!

Sparking Joy and Sense of Being In The Flow

People often laugh when I talk about following your FLOW.

And yet I believe wholeheartedly that more of us were governed by following this innate feeling and knowing that we’d be living more blissful and joyful lives.

The easiest way to find a sense of flow (in my opinion) is to start doing more of the things you love. These things are usually things that you love for no reason other than the fact that they feel like things you do ever so naturally.

These things you do, make you, YOU. And the more you do them, the better. Why? Well simply because are passions are gifts bestowed upon us for a reason. We are gifted them by way of being humans with Meraki who are hardwired to have something (no matter how mundane).

That they love to do.

Being In Alignment and Finding a Sense of Bliss

The more you do the thing, the more you write, the more you sing, the more you walk in nature, the more you do x y, or z

The more you ‘feel something’ that sparks intermittent feelings of pure joy and bliss.

And feeling a sense of joy is super important to us human beings as it helps us to:

  • ignite new ideas,
  • foster new relationships with others who find joy in doing the same or similar things
  • connect the dots and over time discover other things that make us feel purposeful, fulfilled, and aligned with doing something that sets our souls a little bit on fire.

The Science of Flow Research and Being More Productive

Another reason to do more of things you love, more often is that it is scientifically proven that when you do. It moves your state of mind, thought modalities, and levels of productivity.

Into an ENTIRELY different state.

Now when I began talking of FLOW. I was speaking more about doing things you enjoy and not being afraid to trust your gut and follow a path that feels right for YOU.

For example, many moons ago I felt called to travel and then relocate to live in a different country. I did this, not once but twice, and lived some of the most fun chapters of my life as a digital nomad.

As I write this I am reminded of just how strong the call was to live this nomadic life. Of just how badly I needed to make that initial trip to a country where I lived in the middle of nowhere enjoying nature.

I could not ignore this call. Every fiber in my body was telling me that I had to travel and subconsciously also that I had to MOVE!

This journey led to meeting lifelong friends, seeing stunning places, becoming a singer, and starting a blog (which I sadly deleted some years ago).

But more importantly, following my FLOW made me feel alive and this sense of alive-ness brought me to understand what it was to feel a complete sense of bliss.

Feeling bliss is a feeling that isn’t afforded to those who do not dare to follow their flow. Hence why so many people are stuck in lives they do not love.

Also if you know anything about the human mind, you will know that when we take timeout to do things we love.

Photo by Joel Mott on Unsplash featured in @NikkiDigital

We set ourselves up to feel better. And in doing something you love the serotonin (the happy hormone) is serotonin-ING…in full effect!

And from this state of mind and feeling of aliveness and alignment. You begin to operate from a whole different level of energy and vibration.

And from an aligned and purposeful state of mind. You can and will tap into heightened states of productivity. Which can if you use it wisely lead you to aggregate all kinds of ABUNDANCE!

So my new set of cyber friends.

One could say that THE SECRET to success.

Is doing more of what you love to get yourself fully aligned with the FLOW. I feel I shall be talking more about this very soon.

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If so I’d be ever so grateful if you would show your appreciation and/or share a comment.

Bye for now.

Nicola aka #NikkiS

